MAPS Outreach Programs

In-home Behavior Services Program

Our In-home Behavior Services Program has similar curriculum to the Center-Based Programs and Services provides the child with instruction and opportunity to develop adaptive functional skills and address interfering behaviors while in a supportive and more naturalistic environment.

School-based Behavior Services Program

Behavior Services offers school-based ABA programs. The role of the staff member within the classroom setting is not to assist with academics, rather to provide support in on-task behavior, self-regulation, executive functioning and planning skills, and communicating appropriately with teachers and other students, as well as, supported social interactions. The staff is intended to be non-intrusive in the classroom, with the eventual goal of fading out completely so that the client can function independently in the classroom among his or her peers.

Trainer to Trainer Program

The Trainer to Trainer Program involves either a Consultant or BCBA level staff member working one on one with the parents or guardians of our clients, training them on positive discipline and behavior strategies to assist them with the implementation of behavior management and skills teaching techniques. This program aims to ensure consistency in all environments, and more importantly, it provides parents with the tools to more effectively address behavior excesses that their child displays, as well as to better communicate and interact with their child.

The Mentor Program

The Mentor Program supports families in becoming their child’s Instructor and teaches skills to support friendships outside of the MAPS campus. A member of the clinical team works one to one with the client’s family to create and support the development of a play group at home or in another community environment. Our program supports the child’s development of new skills as well as the family in troubleshooting challenges.